女同 调教 《五十度灰》主题曲Love Me Like You Do
发布日期:2024-10-05 14:07 点击次数:195
女同 调教
《Love Me Like You Do》是电影《五十度灰》(Fifty Shades Of Grey)主题曲,由英国女歌手Ellie Goulding(艾丽·高登)演唱,规模2015年4月,这首歌曲已拿下14个国度的冠军,在英国流行音乐榜,更是达到了空降冠军的好成绩。
Love Me Like You Do - Ellie Goulding
You're the light, you're the nightYou're the color of my bloodYou're the cure, you're the painYou're the only thing I wanna touchNever knew that it could mean so much,so much你是光 是夜你是我血液的样子你是颐养,是苦痛你是我想触碰的独一从不知这意味艰苦 悠长
最新国内偷拍凹凸视频在线You're the fear, I don't care Cause I've never been so highFollow me to the darkLet me take you past our satellitesYou can see the world you brought to life,to life你是胆怯 我不在乎因我从未如斯亢奋奴才我,入阴沉让我带你逾越咱们的卫星你使我宇宙苏醒新生
So love me like you doLo-lo-love me like you doLove me like you doLo-lo-love me like you doTouch me like you doTo-to-touch me like you doWhat are you waiting for?爱我如你想爱爱我如你愿爱我如你想爱爱我如你愿抚我如你想抚抚我如你愿你还在等什么女同 调教
Fading in, fading outOn the edge of paradiseEvery inch of your skin is a holy grayI've got to findOnly you can set my heart on fire,on fire渐隐 渐现天国之口你的肌肤 每一寸 皆是我要寻找的圣杯惟有你能将我的心焚烧焚烧
Yeah, I'll let you set the paceCause I'm not thinking straightMy head spinning aroundI can't see clear no moreWhat are you waiting for?我会让你设定模范因为我已无法想考我的头脑一派空缺想绪已不再明晰你还在等什么!
Love me like you do,Lo-lo-love me like you doLove me like you doLo-lo-love me like you doTouch me like you doTo-to-touch me like you doWhat are you waiting for?爱我如你想爱爱我如你愿爱我如你想爱爱我如你愿抚我如你想抚抚我如你愿你还在等什么
Love me like you do,Lo-lo-love me like you doLove me like you doLo-lo-love me like you doTouch me like you doTo-to-touch me like you doWhat are you waiting for?爱我如你想爱爱我如你愿爱我如你想爱爱我如你愿抚我如你想抚抚我如你愿你还在等什么
I'll let you set the paceCause I'm not thinking straightMy head spinning aroundI can't see clear no moreWhat are you waiting for?我会让你设定模范因为我已无法想考我的头脑一派空缺想绪已不再明晰你还在等什么!
Love me like you doLo-lo-love me like you doLove me like you doLo-lo-love me like you doTouch me like you doTo-to-touch me like you doWhat are you waiting for?爱我如你想爱爱我如你愿爱我如你想爱爱我如你愿抚我如你想抚抚我如你愿你还在等什么
Love me like you doLo-lo-love me like you doLove me like you doLo-lo-love me like you doTouch me like you doTo-to-touch me like you doWhat are you waiting for?爱我如你想爱爱我如你愿爱我如你想爱爱我如你愿抚我如你想抚抚我如你愿你还在等什么
艾丽·高登(Ellie Goulding),1986年出身,以绵羊音著称的英国创作型女歌手。艾丽·高登自2010年开动大放异彩,2010年凭借首张专辑得到全英音乐奖最好女歌手、BBC年度之声冠军,她是第二个同期得到这两项盛誉的艺东说念主。首张大碟《Lights》(《清明》)刊行当周就站上英国金榜冠军,主打歌《Lights》更跨海驯服好意思国,攻占文告牌流行榜亚军。
艾丽·高登的第二张专辑《Halcyon》(《翠鸟寓言》)在群众握续热卖并登上英国专辑和单曲双榜冠军,2014年夺得全英音乐奖之后《Halcyon》更是创造古迹在65周之后重夺英国专辑榜冠军宝座。艾丽·高登凭借专辑《Halcyon》也得手大开好意思国阛阓,不仅登上各大闻明电视节目饰演,更是收货一大批包括凯蒂·佩里(Katy Perry)、泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)在内的明星歌迷。
(中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮)女同 调教